Channel: Griffin Gaming
Category: Gaming
Tags: pc buildpc fanboyps5 gamesstate of playpc gaming setuppc gaming accessoriesxbox vs ps5pc vs consoleconsole fanboypc gaming is better than consoleplaystationpc gamesps5 games going to pcpc gaming sucksgriffingamingpc gamingpc gaming is deaddays gone pcpcmrplaystation fanboyps5 restockps5 reviewpcpc gaming vs console gamingps5 newspc gaming is badpc gaming is trashps5 vs pcps5 fanboypc setupthe end of pc gaming
Description: Well guys we had a good run, but PC GAMING IS DEAD and Big Man Gamers Killed it along with my entire youtube career. you may wonder how this happened but to make a long story short, the biggest brained ps5 fanboy on youtube, big man gamers, completely exposed me and pc and proved once and for all that PC gamers are nothing more than a bunch of salty PC port beggars that are mad they can't play PlayStation Exclusives because they didnt get a new PlayStation 5 in the PS5 Restocks. We are just jealous about great games like God of War Ragnorak, Horizon Forbidden West, and Five Nights at Freddy' Nah but in all serious man my entire youtube career is over and I couldn't blame you if you wanted to unsub.... Twitch: Merch: Support the channel: Discord: Instagram: Twitter(RIP):